Friday, 13 May 2011

Graham Speirs - Neil Lennon ?

Right, I don't really like to post stuff about the " OLD FIRM " living in central Scotland as I do and I have no real allegiances either way not really being a football man.

I have just seen Graham Speirs' comments on Scottish Television.

Graham, WTF does the Papal visit have to do with what's going on with the Celtic manager at the moment ?

You've lost me on this one Graham !

1 comment:

  1. Within the Rangers support this guy is referred to as either ' odious creep ' - he allegedly has bad B.O , and the ' discredited journalist ' ...I leave that to yourself to work out...

    Attention seeking no mark journo who spat the dummy bigtime with Sir David Murray when he stopped getting exclusives from within Ibrox.
    A son of a baptist minister I believe , he has made it some sort of insane jihad against Rangers.

    Firmly believed to be one of the 'contributors' of the one sided views recently received by UEFA.

    Bombastic and pretentious - likes to be verbose with his flowery language.
