Sunday, 3 February 2013

The Fish Society

Well, as I said in my previous post, I came across the while looking for some keta salmon Caviar to go with one of my favourite meals which is Sushi.

The Keta arrived on Friday 1st February as promised, neatly packaged with dry ice and some insulation material still in condition to either pop in the freezer for use at a later date or the fridge for earlier consumption. As my taste buds were already tingling at this point, the Keta was bound for the fridge as I intended to plate it up on Saturday along with some of my other favourite sushi delicacies.

Saturday came, and the Keta, along with some prawns, chilli and lime marinated mackerel, organic salmon from Ireland and Scottish tail on prawns were removed from the fridge to be set on the table along with the rolling mat and the sashimi knives. I prepared some sushi-meshi ( vinegared sushi rice ) and began preparing some nigiri and  hosomaki along with some plain prawns topped with some of the lovely Keta.

Now I mustn't forget that I was accompanying the sushi with some japanese style fillet mignon which is a favourite of mine too.

Well, after plating up the sushi I stuck it in the fridge for a bit I put together a nice wee mixed seafood miso soup with udon noodles before serving with some nice Sake I had managed to obtain and here was our meal for the night accompanied with a teriyake and sesame seed dipping sauce together with some soy sauce and wasabi.    

Lovely even if I say so myself and the keta salmon caviar was so nice I had to treat myself to a couple of wee servings on melba toast while I was composing this post.

The keta was really nice too, not overly fishy or salty as it can sometimes be and the fish society advise that it can be kept in the fridge for a couple of weeks for re-use before any left has to be discarded but i can't really see the jar we have making it past tomorrow night.

So, if you're looking for a quality fish and sushi supplier I'd thoroughly recommend the fish society and you can find some further information on their site here or on their blog here.

Enjoy !

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