Thursday, 22 May 2014

Aberdeen Fishermen Found Safe and Well

Good news, the two creel boat men, Jim Reid, 75, and his 35-year-old grandson David Irvine, have been found safe and well after their boat out of Gourdon harbour had gone missing at sea for three days due to a faulty compass.

They were, by fortunate chance, spotted and rescued by F/V Sylvia Bowers at 8 a.m. this morning 45 miles off shore.
One of the rescuers, fisherman Mark Spence, from Buckie, described the chance discovery in a Facebook post this morning.
He said: "My night was awful boring until we came across the two lads that've been lost at sea.
"Got the lads on board safe and sound.
"Now towing their boat to Montrose to get them ashore.
"Both men safe and sound."
Unfortunately their creel boat sank while being towed in by a lifeboat but if it hadn't been for calm seas over the last couple of days it could have been a much sadder tale for the two men.

I don't want to sound judgmental but can't understand why they didn't have rescue beacons or distress flares they could have used to aid their rescue.

Full details here in this Scotsman article 

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