Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Dropshotting on the canal

After having seen some lovely perch caught by a guy called Tony Chesworth who is a face book friend of mine from Plymstock down south, I decided to give this dropshotting lark a go with some savage gear rubeer worm type things I got a while back.

Arrived around 8pm on a lovely evening hoping the fresh air would help lift this terrible head cold I seem to have.

And set about tackling up with the savage gear artillery

Mooched around for about an hour in the drop zone initially using a jig based dropshot rig but had no luck on this so changed over to a traditional set up with only one worm on a single hook tied off with a Palomar knot with an arsely bomb about 2 feet below.

Had absolutely no luck with this method but my set up may have been too crude for the water which is only about six feet deep at this part of the canal.

So I decided to swap for a wee abu shallow diving lure and went for a troll in an eastwards direction. As this was only my second time out this year it took me a wee bit to get the set up fine tuned but I was soon paddling at a reasonable rate towards Falkirk. 

Around a mile into my paddle I had a nice hit and the rod set about bouncing like a punk rocker on speed so I pulled the rod and to my delight had a nice wee Jack about 4 pounds right to the boat and - will I never learn - as I tried to extract my camera for a fish in water shot, the fish got off.

Hey ho, no pike pictures but there are some lovely chestnut trees down this way and I'll need to bring the kids down in the autumn.

Paddled on for about another half mile then turned for home and just about where I had the first hit, I had a second which was much better but by the time i got the yak in order and the rod into my hands it was off.

No worries there's always tomorrow now I know where the pike live :-)

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