Had arranged to meet up with some friends for an overnighter near Arrochar on Loch Long. Turned into a bit of an epic with 4000ft of ascent/descent and a 5 mile trek with a massive pack. Only to find the guys by total accident, camped 5 mins from where I started and about 2 mins from the car, just off the main road.
My pal Stevie had an even more interesting story to tell having walked about the same distance as me trying to find the camp and then encountering the sheer luck to be picked up by the SBS for a ride along the loch from near the submarine base in their rib to where Ant and the Two Dave's were pitched up.
Here's a wee video of my travails that culminated in a braw overnighter in good company round a blazing campfire on a night where temperarures got down to -5...
May the fire be always lit ;-) ...
Looks like a good time.