Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Fishing In Scotland Forum

Because I enjoy all types of fishing along with doing a bit of walking etc,. it was decided to start a Scottish based forum which caters for most types of fishing as well as having a bit of walking, climbing & camping etc,. thrown in.

Just because it's a Scottish Fishing forum does not mean you can't join if you're from South of the border or anywhere else in fact and it would be great to get overseas members as well.

At the moment it's just me and 3 other members ( thanks for joining lads ) so please register and we can get a bit of a chat going maybe even get a fishing trip organised before the end of the season.

Hopefully folk will join and it can become a meeting place to organise trips , have a bit of banter and just jaw in general.

A private V.I.P lounge has been created and I don't know if this is a good thing as it may lead to some folk feeling excluded. The only way I'm going to find out however is if folk come on and let me know.

Moderation on forums is always a big issue with posters and it's going to be hard to know where to draw the line time alone will tell.

You can enter the forum by clicking top left on the browser bar or by clicking this link

All rights reserved fishinscotland.co.uk/

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