Friday, 20 May 2011

Robson Green Strikes Again - Patagonia !

Extreme fishing - The ends of the Earth !

Robson struck with avengance in this episode starting out with some spear fishing in Ascenscion Island.

Then he was off to Chilean Patagonia in search of the King Chinook salmon. He didn't disappoint, hooking up with a 40lb King which he lost at the bank. What a TWAT ! No probs he could always blame his guide Patrick - as you do :-).

Anyway he tried some float tubing for Patagonian rainbows blanking as only a Geordie can before heading to another location where from his expedition was blockaded by fuel protestors.

It was not all in vain though as Patrick his trusted guide hooked him into a Chinook which he landed for around 36lbs.

Where next and where else but Tierra Del Fuego , the Island of Fire for King crab and fishing out of Ushuaia , " fin del mundo " ( end of the world)  Robson was on King crab which wouldn't have looked out of place on the recently departed Captain Phil Harris' boat the Cornelia Marie on the Bearing sea.

Kwality. Definately looking forward to the next episode.

Robson, " You da ' man " in a gay, Geordie singer type way.

Nice one Robbo, cannae wait for the next installment :-)  !!!!

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