Sunday, 22 September 2013

Glengavel Reservoir

Met up with Paul Garrigan at Glengavel Reservoir today and was greeted by Alan Scott ( Alby ) and his pal and fellow club member Graeme of the Upper Avon Angling Association on what was a pretty good day weather wise for the time of the year.

It's a nice wee loch with a small but more than ample club hut/boathouse festooned inside with pictures of some of the big brownies that have come off the water in the last few years and there are some right crackers.

We didn't really mess about as Paul had the boat sorted by the time I got there due to roadworks and taking more than one wrong turning and we motored down the loch to the feeder burn end not taking too long at all for Paul to pick up a wee Brownie about 1/2 lb.


and this was to set the bar for the day with me turning a fish around the same size sometime pretty soon after that.

We mooched around the loch in various locations before finding a wee hot spot on the east shore that seemed to be hoaching with fish and I eventually had one to the boat about half a pound after missing quite a few. After this, I think we evened the score at 2 each to the boat before heading across the loch to try for some on the lures and sinking lines but no joy.

Somehow we ended back at the hotspot around 6pm and Paul managed another two from this sweet spot that seemed to hold trout in abundance and Paul  even managed a better couple of fish to a blue flash cormorant type fly the biggest of which was just under the pound and even had a stickleback in it's gub - greedy bugger ! 

What was quite unusual about Glengavel was the fact that no two trout seemed to have similar markings on such a small water.

Great day. good fishing and good company but the Glengavel biggies don't give themselves up easy. There's always next time though and with day tickets running at £15 and season tickets running at £70,  " some of the best brown trout fishing in Lanarkshire " is well within anybody's price range.

Many thanks to Alan and Graeme for making us feel so welcome and for their general advice on how to fish the loch and for Paul's kind invitation to join him fishing today.

A donation in respect of today's ticket prices has been made to Let's Tackle Cancer in memory of Paul's dad, a keen fisherman,  who passed away earlier this year.

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