Wednesday, 25 March 2009

A Wee Loch, 25/3/2009

The weather yesterday, Tuesday was wild. We had planned to fish a wee Loch but things weren't looking too good however when the dawn broke, the sun was splitting the sky and things were looking promising.

My boat partner and I had made some " mibbees aye mibbees naw plans " so when he called to say he was up for it, I had to concur and after attending to some work plans dug, out the Yamaha four stroke mustered the fishing gear and met him at his house before setting on our way.

As we climbed the winding roads to this wee but very nice club water, the wind blustered around us and it was a bit touch and go but on arriving and chatting with the club secretary Ian in the clubhouse it was decided to brave the elements and go for it.


After getting the boat organised, big lures and one of Brians sparkly dabblers were decided as the order of the day and the fishing began. Fast intermediates were tried first but the catch reports from previous days were not so good on this water which mainly fishes in the Summer months. We did however persevere.


The blustering wind made drifts fast without a drogue. A good idea would have maybe been an anchor but it had been left at home. This however did not hamper our eager attempts for some fish on this Brownie only water possibly soon to change with the introduction of Rainbows in order to extend the season.


Cast after cast, retrieve after retrieve there were no takes and we searched a lot of the water with me using a Di 8 towards the end in order to try and tempt a fish from the depths but all was to no avail on this pleasant although cold in the wind sunny day. On returning to shore, we spoke with the Secretary and Chairman of the association again who were most amiable chaps and I although not a member and a guest of my fishing partner was made to feel most welcome.

All in all an enjoyable day regardless of the no fish situation and we even saw a couple of diver type birds which ARE in the centre of the picture but I didn't have my zoom lens with me.


Thanks for the invite Chris.

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